Thursday, October 02, 2008

Britni and Tim E-shoot!

Here is my most recent engagement shoot =) Britni, Tim and I all went to high school together and it worked out that we could meet up in Huntington beach for some sweet shots! We ate at BJ's after and it was amazing... I had my first pizooki (YUM) there EVER and I could not believe what I was eating. So good. Thanks Britni and Tim, you guys rock!!


Anonymous said...

ok, this is so beautiful and fun.! I adore it. and Bj's pizookies.!!! HELLO, yumyum.!!!

Danielle said...

good to see DJ and Bobby are rubbing off on you and you are blogging again! :) LOL! Keep it up, you have amazing work, it should be displayed and shown off :)

Footprints in the Sand said...

beautiful!! :) My fav. is the one where she is in his arms, and the light, and the ocean. awesome work. :) blessings.

Steven Ryne Photography said...

Great shots again... what can I say? ;)