Tuesday, February 03, 2009

Phoenix Suns Game!

Last week I got the chance to go to Phoenix for a couple days to do some corporate/commercial photography for a company called ISS Facility Services. They are a huge company and are in all 50 states and also 50 different countries. I've loved doing work for them and I always look forward to traveling to their shoots! This one was especially fun because I got a photo pass to take some fun shots of my own ;) They had their own suite and it was a blast!


Bobby Earle said...

Let me take back my smack talk on your blogging skills :) You've got a ways to go, but you're doing better :D


J@KE said...

dang how did you get to the courtside?! I've always wanted to do that! you're RAD!

Steven Ryne Photography said...

WOW!!! Again... how do you get these connections! GREAT SHOTS!!! Colors and everything are so SWEET!!!

Anonymous said...

Jealous. Jealous. Really long lens, or courtside seats?

susan j! said...

go spurs go